Sola Launches Revolutionary Wind/Hail Parametric Product with Industry Leaders
The Most Reliable Insurance Ever Created.
Not magic, just data. Sola developed a policy where premiums reflect only your property risk, not claims history,
not personal details, and not someone else’s fraud, meaning fairer, lower prices.
How The Policy Works
Using National Weather Service data Sola provides fast and reliable payouts within days* to help
you get back on your feet.
See the video to find out more
Step 1
A severe wind or hail event damages your insured property
Step 1
A severe wind or hail event damages your insured property
Step 2
The National Weather Service assess the damage. Sola then uses this data to determine if
you are eligible for a payout
Step 2
The National Weather Service assess the damage. Sola then uses this data to
determine if you are eligible for a payout
Step 3
Sola will reach out to you to confirm damage. If your insured property was damaged from
the severe wind or hail event, you get a payout
Step 3
Sola will reach out to you to confirm damage. If your insured property was damaged
from the severe wind or hail event, you get a payout at your property
Be Protected
Minimize out-of-pocket expenses with Sola's coverage.
Every insurance policy has gaps.
If your current policy already has a high wind and hail deductible, our supplemental coverage steps in to help cover the gap. This means that when severe weather strikes, you will not have to shoulder the full cost of the deductible. Sola's coverage helps fill this gap,
providing funds that can help with all your post-disaster expenses so quick recovery is possible!
Why Sola?
Be Covered
Sola supplements your home policy, filling coverage gaps left after a severe wind/hail event
Bounce back faster with proactive payments based on National Weather Service data
Easy quoting and streamlined claims with no lengthy paperwork
Sola’s claims process gives you clear visibility at each step to ensure peace of mind

Affordable Coverages
Policies at only $5.66 per month**
The policy works independently to any other insurance policy. While you are working through your major claim or have any out-of-pocket costs
**Only payable annually
Affordable Coverages
Policies at only $5.66 per month**
Bounce back faster with Sola.